Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Few Random Pictures the Ecuadorian Mountains

Lagoon near Quilotoa

While in Quilitoa, I was able to do some hiking near the lagoon.


This is the town of Quilotoa, Ecuador. It is at 3800 meters above sea level, which keeps it cold the entire day. I came to this small town in the mountains to experience a different culture and to see the beautiful lagoon. Everyone in Quilotoa speaks Quichua, which is not to be confused with the Quechua language in Peru. A little boy informed me of this while I was chatting with him during lunch. They speak Quichua with family and friends and learn Spanish in school.

Saquisili Market part 3

Another interesting section of the market was for large animals. Here they sold pigs, cows, sheep, and llamas.

Saquisili Market part 2

There was a section of the market just for small animals. The majority were guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, and geese. As you can see in the pictures they are sold from cages, baskets, and right from the ground. In the 3rd picture, it is a little hard to see, but they are selling their animals from bags. People walk around and look into the bags to find a bird, rabbit, or guinea pig that they want.

Saquisili Market

Here are a few pictures of the best market in Ecuador. That is at least what many people say. I haven´t been to many big markets yet but this one is definately at the top the list of the ones I have seen.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Colombian Mountains

Cathedral in Manizales part 2

Here are some of the views of Manizales from the cathedral.

Cathedral in Manizales

Here are a few pictures of a church I toured in Manizales. It is very tall and stands above every other building in the city but, upon closer inspection, I realized that it was made entirely of concrete. This gives it somewhat of an ugly look.

Views Entering Manizales

Here are a few of the views I had upon entering Manizales, Colombia. This is a perfect example of how a lot of the major Colombian cities are located in the mountains.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Medellin, Colombia

Here are some pictures from Medellin, Colombia. The last two are from the downtown, the 2nd and 3rd pictures show how the city is built, and the first one is from one of the main universities. The houses in the city go right up the side of the mountains. I would love to walk through the streets that run up the mountainside but it´s too dangerous for someone like me. While at the university, I met a couple of students who gave a personal tour of the entire campus.